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Este perfil de 45 variaciones genéticas, revela cómo su cuerpo responde a los alimentos, nutrientes y ejercicio. Descubra qué alimentos funcionan mejor para usted, cúales evitar y qué estrategias implementar para que su salud y bienestar estén al 100%. 

  • ¿Cómo intervienen sus genes en la ganancia de peso?


  • ¿Posee alguna deficiencia en vitaminas?


  • ¿Tiene algúna limitación genética para bajar de peso mediante la práctica de actividad física?

  • ¿Está propenso a desarrollar Intolerancias Alimentarias?


  • This profile of 45 genetic variations reveals how your body responds to food, nutrients and exercise. Discover what foods work best for you, what to avoid and what strategies to implement so that your health and well-being are 100%.


    • Are you inclined to like, or dislike, certain foods?


    • How well can your body absorb and process the vitamins?


    • How could your genes impact weight loss and gain?


  • I authorize DIPLOIDE GENETICS SAS (DG) to collect my biological sample or the biological sample of the individual for whom I have the legal right to collect the sample. I also authorize DG to analyze the DNA in these samples for further genetic research. If this test is being performed for a minor or for a person who, for any reason, can not give their consent, I certify that I have the legal right to grant my consent for the taking and subsequent investigation of the DNA with respect to the biological sample of said person. I understand that, when sending the DNA sample, I am confirming my order and that no refund will be made later for the work done.


    I agree not to hold DG responsible for damages caused as a result of the use of the information or material contained in this document. In addition, I agree to release, indemnify and hold DG and its officers and employees harmless from any responsibility for the use you make of this product, just as I agree not to hold DG responsible for any action that users of this service may take.

    Acepto no responsabilizar a DG por los daños causados como resultado del uso de la información o del material que contenga el presente documento. Además, acepto liberar, indemnizar y eximir a DG y a sus funcionarios y empleados de toda responsabilidad por el uso que haga de este producto, al igual que acepto no responsabilizar a DG de cualquier acción que pudieran tomar los usuarios de este servicio.

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