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Let your DNA guide you to the best version of you and your family

Understanding your body at a different level

With the genetic tests of DIPLOIDE, you can confirm things you always suspected of you and discover things you never knew.


Through genetic testing, we use a sample of your genetic material to identify genetic variants in your genome that make it unique. Our partner laboratories certified by CLIA analyze these sequences to generate their personalized profile.

What a genetic test can do for you?

Provide clues about your body and mind

It's good to discover what makes your body react the way it does. Do you have the genetic variant of the gene for lactose intolerance? This is probably why he feels uncomfortable after drinking a smoothie.

It does not determine who is

The genetic code for a particular trait or condition is only one influence among many. So, if your genes predispose you to a lower than average muscle strength, that does not stop you from training to develop strength. Your genes are no match for a consistent and dedicated effort.

It helps you choose the best options for your wellbeing

Knowing more about your genes helps you adapt your lifestyle to what is best for you. For example: if you metabolize caffeine more slowly than the norm, you will want to know what your daily intake should be to keep your blood pressure and anxiety levels under control.

It does not predict the future exactly

A DNA test is not a diagnosis. If you have a genetic variant for a particular disease, condition or trait, it means that you only have a higher than average chance of developing it and it will depend on your way of interacting with the environment (nutrition, toxins, physical activity and emotions among others). This is known as epigenetics.

Advises you what adjustments you should make

Your genes can help you know your deficiencies and risks. For example, if you have the gene variant related to premature aging of the skin, the DNA test guides you to find personalized topical supplements and ingredients for that finding.

It does not tell you what to do

Since a DNA test is not a diagnosis, you should be careful with how you interpret the results. While you may not have the gene variant of high sensitivity to the sun, do not throw away your sunscreen! The sun is still a carcinogen and you should always use your common sense.

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