Pre-implantation test
When you undergo in vitro fertilization, IVF you want to plan for success.
That's why many families make preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) a standard part of their IVF treatment plans.
Preimplantation genetic testing helps identify the most suitable embryos for transfer during IVF, giving you the best chance of implantation and a successful pregnancy.
This test identifies embryos with the correct number of chromosomes to improve the chances of a successful pregnancy.
When an embryo has extra or missing chromosomes, it is a condition known as aneuploidy. Most aneuploid embryos do not result in a healthy live birth: many result in miscarriage, some fail to implant in the uterus, and others result in a baby with birth defects, intellectual disability and/or other health problems. Aneuploidy occurs in all age groups, but after the age of 35, the proportion of aneuploid embryos increases rapidly.
By testing the embryos prior to IVF transfer, you can achieve:
a higher chance of a successful healthy IVF pregnancy
a lower risk of miscarriage
the possibility of identifying the sex of your baby (only if you want to know)
Embryo health by age
As we age, there is a greater chance that our embryos will be affected by chromosomal changes.
How does it work?
Step 1
Embryo cell collection
Your fertility team carefully collects a few cells from your embryos and sends them to our laboratory for analysis
Step 2
Sample analysis
Our scientists test each embryo for chromosomal abnormalities that could lead to miscarriage or disease.
Step 3
Review the results with your physician
Based on the results, the fertility team selects the embryos for transfer, thus increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy.
Your privacy is very important to Diploide
We take privacy very seriously; one of our fundamental principles is that patients own and control their genetic data.
You can explore our privacy policy at any time to set your preferences and control the use of your data.
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